Did you know that 1 in 10 adults suffer from insomnia at some point in their lives? And in people with depressive or anxiety symptoms, this number increases to 9 in 10.

If you’ve experienced insomnia, then you’ll know how it can impact your daily functioning. You may have experienced fatigue, lack of concentration, clumsiness, increased anxiety, low mood, low energy levels, lack of motivation, overeating and/or weight gain. Quite frankly, insomnia sucks. But there is good news…

If you visit your GP for your insomnia problems, they’re likely to prescribe medication. This will work, in the short-term. But what about your long-term sleep patterns? If you want to take back control of your sleep and learn how to sleep well for the long-term, then you’ll want something more effective than medication.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) has been shown to be as effective as medication, but with LONGER LASTING results. Typically, you’ll only need 4 sessions of CBT-I. I’ll guide you through a simple process and give you tools that anyone can implement straight away. You’ll start experiencing relief from your symptoms almost immediately, but even better, following the CBT-I model will give you long-term relief from insomnia.

Contact me today to find out more.




Carney, C. E., & Manber, R. (2009). Quiet your mind and get to sleep: Solutions to insomnia for those with depression, anxiety, or chronic pain. New Harbinger Publications.

Dobson, D., & Dobson, K.S. (2017). Evidence-Based Practice of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (2nd ed.) Guildford Press.